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Spore Space is an artist-run project space in Ojai, California operated and organized by Rosemary Hall , Kira Doutt, and Elizabeth Herring. It is a placeholder for open-ended artistic experimentation and community connection. Spore Space is a direct line between artists and visible public space in downtown Ojai. Our window offers the ability to share work to a an audience of passerbys.
We value︎ connection ︎ community ︎ experimentation ︎ weirdness ︎fun ︎ play ︎ boredom ︎ caring/curation ︎ near/far ︎ here /there ︎place

Is Spore Space open to submissions?
Periodically Spore Space hosts open calls for all artists to enter. Please subscribe to our newsletter for updates on the next open call.

How can I visit?
We are open on Thursdays from 1-5pm and Sundays 10am-2pm. Come say hi! 

What’s a project space?

A project space is open-ended.  The goal is to hold space for creative projects to unfold. What you might encounter here may sometimes take the  form of exhibitions, workshops, readings, screenings, walks, and performances. 

How can I keep in touch?
Follow us on Instagram @sporespace
Subscribe to email updates here